Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Ok after fighting long and hard with myself about wether or not to post this I have decided to go ahead and post!!! I admit here and now YES I have had problems with drugs in my PAST!!!! Roumers have been going around that I still do and that I need to be watched because of certin company I keep!!! Yes I still talk to and am really good friends with a few people but we all have stopped BECAUSE WE RELIZED there are more important things in life the any "high" we had or could ever have!!! I am sure that at least 97% of you out there have tried one thing or another so it is no ones nevermind to judge me or my friends!!! Look in the mirror  and be at one with yourself before you go throwing my name or the names of my friends out of your judgemental mouth!!! I will say this I hope that your life is perfect because even though I have done A LOT of wrong in my life I realized and do not judge others nor do I go spreding or talking about anyone!! There is only one that can judge me and I am willing to take that judgement........are you however?? You may go and talk all your talk that you wish AS LONG AS ITS TRUTH (as in telling my husband about me cheating) Yes I have and it is not your place to judge me there either!!! I am however glad that you have done this I knew it was wrong and we have since talked about it and are trying to work things out......but NEWSFLASH I cheated ONCE not TWICE get your facts stright!!! So to whom ever you may be, No I'm Not Perfect......Nor would I ever claim to be but Hello hunnie I'm sure you have your flaws as well maybe not as bad.....hell maybe worse I really dont give a shit BUT know this your not gonna bring me down Im not worried cause I can admit to my mistakes and own up to them......can you? At least I wont judge you or drag you through the mud  as you have me!!! Im gonna keep my head on stright and held high because I know in the end no one is perfect. Yes I had to wait till I got caught to come clean but hell who wouldnt however I never denied it!  Not that it was right but we are all human just some mistakes are worse than others! Just remember dont judge others because it will come back to you and BITE YOU!!! So I hope whoever you are you are happy and content with yourself just know you will be the one judged in the end!!!!

Sheila Renee :)


  1. Sheila we all have made mistakes no one is perfect we are all far from it..let me say admitting I have done pot(a few times) and alcoholic at one point as well but with those experiences I learned not to do them cause my health was in danger including my heart since I been a heart patient since birth, so yes this is very well a lesson for us all and you are a excellent mother from what I learned from you the short time you were in class. I am proud of you to stand up for yourself even when rumors are spread.

    Amber Kestner

  2. Thanks Amber, I do admit openly I have had a problem but my babies made me open my eyes!!! I hate that now its out for the word to see this but I do feel it necessary to make the rumors noted just as that rumors and nothing more!! N I thank you from the bottom of my heart about being a good mom I try my best for these boys the are my heart and soul. hope all is well with you n yours :)

  3. Thanks Amber, I do admit openly I have had a problem but my babies made me open my eyes!!! I hate that now its out for the word to see this but I do feel it necessary to make the rumors noted just as that rumors and nothing more!! N I thank you from the bottom of my heart about being a good mom I try my best for these boys the are my heart and soul. hope all is well with you n yours :)
